EPI SUPREME – Az izületvédő teniszpálya

Izületvédő teniszpálya

A kiemelkedő sportélmény

High performance acrylic sports surface system based on a high density, quality assured pre-fabricated shock pads. The superior cushioning reduces the impact and fatigue on players joints whilst providing a high quality surface with consistent ball bounce, excellent grip and feel under foot along with durability required from the demands of modern sport. High performance acrylic sports surface system based on a high density, quality assured pre-fabricated shock pads. The superior cushioning reduces the impact and fatigue on players joints whilst providing a high quality surface with consistent ball bounce, excellent grip and feel under foot along with durability required from the demands of modern sport.

Designed for application to concrete and asphalt substrates. Textured all weather surface giving consistent pace, bounce and grip. The pace of EPI Court Supreme can be adjusted to suit the standard of play and the type of sport being played on the surface.


– ITF minősitése: medium
– Opcionálisan változtatható gumiszőnyeg alátét
– Vízbázisú alapanyagok
– Optimalizált erőelnyelés
– Gyors installálás
– Alacsony fenntartási költségek
– Hosszú pályaélettartam
– Consistent pace
– Előregyártott minőségi gumi alátét SBR rubber
– Kiváló tapadási értékek vizesen és szárazon is

rugalmas izületvédő ITF 3 teniszpálya



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